D: Day in the life of Me

Well, that's kind of hard to figure right now, since I'm still in transition mode, settling into the routine that will more or less carry me through the next year, at least.

Usually, I wake up around 6:30 or 7, whereupon I sit up and grab my Bible and devotional book for this year, Jesus Calling. I usually have worship for half an hour or so, then it'll be time to eat breakfast. If it's my turn to cook breakfast, I roll out of bed around 6:30, just in time to start the meal :) (That means I have my worship time a little later in the day.)

After breakfast comes Family Worship time, followed by cleanup (if I'm not the one that cooked) and getting ready for the day (insert personal worship after Family Worship if I'm the one that cooked).

The actual day's activities vary by weekday. Mondays are spent preparing produce and other things for Market the next day. Tuesday afternoons and evenings are spent at Farmer's Market. Wednesday is kind of up in the air for me right now, but since I'm back home to learn gardening, I imagine I'll be spending it helping D, my "dad". Thursdays will be the same, with racquetball in the evening. Friday is cleaning and laundry day, and whatever other preparations we need to make for Sabbath. Saturday, Sabbath, is church, perhaps potluck lunch at the church, or maybe invite someone over for lunch after church. Sundays are, well, Sunday... anything could happen, from a youth group activity to a community event to working in the garden or working on a project at home...

Somewhere, I'm going to be fitting in my support group, but I don't know what days or times or whatever any of that will be. I'm still praying for a facility to hold the meetings in.

Depending on the day, I may have lunch prep or cleanup. Then comes evening, and we gather for Family Worship again, usually just before bedtime. We sing, pray, read a little bit of a book, etc. (Lately we've just been praying and going to bed, really.)

My life... mundane, compared to some, but happy. I believe I'm where God wants me, and that lights everything up with peace.

Oh, yes, and scattered throughout the day are phone calls and letters/emails to and from friends and family. That's always nice.

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