Simple Woman's Daybook

For today... Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

Outside my window... A different state than I am used to-- I'm in Wisconsin! It's a suburb, sorta country. Nice. Not too overwhelming. Lots more people than I'm used to, but they're all tucked away in their houses now, due to the dark and the cold that accompanies winter nights.

I am thinking... about how to love my family in real, tangible, God-honoring ways.

I am thankful... for safe travels. For a family that loves each other, no matter what. For money to buy food, for clothes to wear, and for a warm bed at night. For health care. For clean drinking water. For water to take my showers and wash my clothes and my food. For running water, period.

From the learning room... Abductor means moving away from the body, adductor means moving toward the body.

I am wearing... black t-shirt, my mom's "Because I'm the Mom, that's why!" apron, jeans, smartwool socks given to me by K (one of the best gifts I've ever received!), and my sister's purple slippers, which are much too small for me :)

I am going... to make supper for the familia. Kale soup and rice. Go grocery shopping. Have worship with the kiddies, make truffles with Mom. Play a board game or two, and hit the sack.

I am reading...  Finished Kisses from Katie on the plane, and now I'll be continuing Hooked. Oh, and I read the 5th Justin Case book while I ate lunch.

I am hoping... to make an impact while I'm here. A positive one.

I am looking forward to... having nightly worships with the kids... whether they like it or not. Ha! lol

I am hearing... classical music (Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 in F Major, Bach), J's shower water running. Jr. muttering to himself while he plays a video game.

A few plans for the rest of the week: I don't have any! I'm gonna just go with the flow and see what happens. A grand experiment :)

Here is a "picture for thought" I am sharing:

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