
Yes, and as predicted, today I was trashed. Totally. Like, wanting to crawl back into bed after the exertion of taking a shower and getting dressed presented itself.

But I had things to do. Two things. And so I did them, even though it was hard.

And then I came home, and then I crashed. I cooked, I ate, I surfed the web, and I took a nap.

I'd like to be here, weaving words... but the thought of the emotional energy toll that would take is overwhelming, so I never start. Because, really, it takes energy to blog. A little more than I have today.

And so...

I take my fatigue-driven leave.

(But on the bright side, I decided to be grateful for singing birds, beautiful scents, and butterflies today; all things that I encountered on my walk back to my car this morning from a meeting.)

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