A is married. What a strange thought. I mean, she's super amazing, and she totally deserves to be happy, but... it's almost like she's too amazing, you know? Like there can't really be a guy out there that can match her, that would be worthy of her... so I wonder. I had never actually met the groom before yesterday, but I and a thousand other people were insisting that "he must be awesome, because A's so awesome!" We know that she wouldn't settle for some lame-brain. (At least, we desperately hope so.)

Her wedding was beautiful, but a lot of work. I only helped an infinitesimal amount, but it was still a lot of work, and for something that was over so quickly... it really just reinforced the concept that a wedding is only one day, but a marriage is for a lifetime. So many couples spend their time focused on that one day, rather than preparing for all the days that are to follow. I pray that I do not make the same mistake...

I had a good conversation with D yesterday. He sent me the cutest text message! It was a picture of a beautiful sunset he saw the other day, with the caption "I miss u 2". Hee hee... Forgive my giggles, but I really am all... giggly. (Funny thing was, I couldn't recall saying to him "I miss you", but then after some thought, I realized he was probably referring to the text I sent him while he was on the ferry/out of cell service for like 5 days, which said "I hope you get cell service soon- I miss talking to you!")

He was kind enough to re-answer my questions, so that I could note his responses (although he was somewhat reluctant, since he hadn't written them down himself, so they were going to be somewhat different than the previous day, but I told him it was fine).

To the question, What is the point of dating/why are we dating, he had a slightly different interpretation of the question itself than I was thinking. He came at it from the viewpoint, What do we want out of this relationship? His thoughts are that he wants somebody he can talk to and get to know better, someone he can depend on, and eventually, more than that (i.e. marriage). As far as spiritual growth goes, he said that he has grown spiritually because we talk about a lot of spiritual, uplifting things, like our day to day occurrences and how we deal with them, how God is working in our lives, etc. Actually, he even said that he looks forward to talking to me, because it helps him sort of refocus. (That's a big, fat "Awwwww" in my book!)

Enough with this he said/she said, though.

It's interesting, because after that "fateful" conversation (it was really pivotal!), I feel like we've kind of moved up to some mysterious "next level" in our relationship. We spent the first month just getting to know facts about each other, hobbies, likes and dislikes, our pasts, etc... more of a friendship thing than romantic. I mean, we both knew that we liked each other, but it wasn't brought up hardly. It was like the establishing of a friendship. Now, we still have that friendship basis, but there's something more simmering under the surface... I don't know if it was the m-word that I had to bring up or what, but it's more emotional now than it was. I don't think that's a bad thing. As a matter of fact, I'm glad that it took that long... longer would even have been okay with me. But I know that I really enjoy him as a person, and as a friend... despite the butterflies (which have multiplied in number recently).

I'm just really enjoying myself. This is fun! And not as scary as I had thought... though it does have its moments. But it's a lot more fun than I had initially thought it would be. Best of all? No regrets, baby. I love it.

Know what else I love? Stir fry and brown rice. Mmmmm...

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