I celebrated my last day in Idaho by going cross country skiing for the first time. It was... actually fun! Both less and more work than I anticipated, all at the same time.

I was getting the hang of it, and after lunch, I swooshed semi-confidently around a downhill corner, only to find K seated in the middle of the path where she'd fallen. Immediately, a thought flashed through my mind and spewed itself out of my mouth- "I don't know how to STOP!!" In an effort not to take her out, or to fly off the edge of the path, I chose, instead, to wipe out.

In wiping out, I landed badly and strained/sprained my left knee. (I'll find out the official diagnosis from a doctor tomorrow.) The bad news? We were several miles into the back-country, with only one way out. So I kept on skiing. I feel like a warrior! LOL

Oh, well. All's well that ends well, right? Oh, yeah, and I'm going to lose a toenail, because I traded B his too-tight boots for my looser ones. (We're about the same size. Weird, huh?) They cramped my feet less than they would have him.

What an adventure!

I ended up hanging on to B for dear life when I wiped out a second time, re-hurting my knee. (You guessed it... K was in the path again. *sigh* lol) Oh, yeah, that wasn't the second time that day I'd wiped out, just to clarify. Probably the second thousandth! But the second time with injuries.

My legs were twisted awkwardly, the skis trapped beneath me, and I couldn't lean to one side or the other without seriously hurting myself. So it ended up being kind of awkward when B came over to help, and all I could do was cling to him and try to hoist myself high enough to reach my bindings. Well, I was crying out in pain, so he knows it wasn't just  a ploy. Still, awkward... as was our goodbye. What can you do in that kind of situation that isn't awkward, anyway?

It was good. I'm so glad I went. I hope I can pack my car tomorrow. Heck, I hope I can leave tomorrow!

I don't feel anything, really. A little nostalgic... but it hasn't hit home that this will no longer be home. We exchanged "going away" gifts on Friday night, and last night was a game night that a bunch of friends came over for. Both filled me in different ways, and left me wishing wistfully that I might stay... but, alas, the wandering foot is itching, and I must be on my way.

Still, though... this is the last night I sleep in my bed. Tomorrow is the last time I fix food in that kitchen.

Hmm. I'm going to miss them, and this life that I've been a part of. But I know I can't settle here forever, nor do I want to.

But, oh... I think I'm going to cry tomorrow... and on the drive down.

Tears of joy. Tears of joy. Remembering all the dear ones that hold pieces of my heart up here in the northwest. (K, you're included in that, you know.)

I'll be back. I hope.

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