B: Best Friend

You know, I've never been exclusive in my best-friendicity. I've not had that BFF that some have- my best friends have changed over the years.

There is one person, JF, who I've been friends with since I was about one. She was my babysitter, and after we moved away from Washington, she kept in touch by phone and letter, even coming down to visit me on my birthdays throughout the years. Once I got old enough, I went up to see her a couple of years in a row, but we've both been too poor to make it the past few years. I did get to see her on my way up to Idaho last year, though. When we see each other, we pick up right where we left off, even though we don't do much upkeep on the relationship.

Then, around 3 1/2, I met JD. We were inseparable for the next 8 years, and we're still friends, but the tumultuous teen years have a way of growing distance between some people. Our moms hoped desperately that we would fall in love and get married, but we've since broken the news to them that it's a pretty unlikely future.

Throughout grade school, LL and I were best friends for a long time. OG, a kid from the neighborhood, was my best buddy outside of school hours. He was practically a part of the family. Actually, our family is one of the big reasons he learned English!

I had some "best friends" that weren't good for me- manipulative, controlling, etc. I didn't know any better. I just wanted to be liked.

In high school, I didn't have a best friend until about sophomore year, when I met C through a good-not-quite-best friend M. He (C) became my very best friend in the world, and his best friend B became my other best friend. We were a friendly triangle :)

B and I are still good buddies, but C and I no longer talk on a regular basis. I still see him when I visit Y, but that's about it. (And the lack of communication is for obvious reasons... you can't remain best friends with your ex-fiance.)

Throughout canvassing, my year at academy, and my two years at Bible college, AG and I became quite close, and she was definitely a best friend, although I can't quite consider her that now. We're still good friends, but... you know how those things go.

Bible college brought a lot of good friends, and out of those years came my roomie JR, who is definitely a "bestie", even currently. Then came Idaho, with the S's, H, J, and now D.

I am blessed with many, many friends; many good friends; and several best friends.

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