Lord, I hope I didn't make a mistake, eating all that food...

"All that food" would be referring to one grapefruit and half a cup of oatmeal. It's the most substantial meal I've had since Monday.

And, in the intervening minutes between breakfast and this blog post (oh, about 5), I realize that it was, in fact, a mistake. I should have stopped at half a grapefruit.

I don't know what to make of this sudden, inexplicable relapse. I have no appetite (usually a sort of nausea has replaced the appetite- you know, that feeling that something's stuck in the back of your throat and you're about to throw up any moment?), but when I do eat, it sends waves of pain coursing through my abdomen. I'm almost sure it's my colon, rebelling. But I don't understand... I haven't eaten anything I'm allergic to! I've been taking my medication faithfully! And I haven't been that stressed! I mean, it's life. Stress happens.

Ugh... here come the swords...

Maybe I need to see a doctor.

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