Burning out...

Burning out. Too much stimulation. Not enough down-time. I didn't realize that I could make myself physically sick by doing too much. (At least, not realized it with this amount of clarity.)

Today, I repack. Tomorrow, I head out to work for S for a few days, during which I will also play for Market and pack up my car. Then, Thurs. morning I will head south again.

I'm homesick in many ways. I miss C terribly, but not desperately. I wish he were here with me.

And I'm just... sick. Don't feel well. Too many people. (15 people at breakfast?! *sigh*)

Felt depressed when I woke up this morning, which is odd, because I hadn't felt that way in some time. I realize now that when I allow myself to "burn out", I am susceptible to depression.

Good to know.

I can't wait to get home.

(Which sounds so lame, because I'm totally enjoying myself and so happy that I came. Ever wish you could be in two places at once? ^_^)

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