Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch

Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch

For me, this place symbolizes hope. It is the epitome of metamorphosis. Whenever I see, hear, or read anything about it, my heart stirs and yearns within me.

I want... that. Everything this place symbolizes. Hope. Healing. The unbounded, tender love and intervention of God himself. The relationships. I want it in MY life.

I actually applied to be a volunteer there once. We both prayed about it, but they said no, that wasn't what God had in mind at the time. They were sure right. I've found incredible growth up here, and healing, and relationship, and... well, love.

But still, my heart aches and longs to be there... to do something like that... something with meaning. Something where I can see God melting a heart, shattering icy reserves, tossing down ancient walls of distrust...

That's why I'm going to school for social work. I want to do that, too.

And, more than anything... I want to visit that ranch. I want to ride those beautiful angels in horsehair... to meet the people who are so dedicated to sharing God's love.

That's what I want to do on my birthday. I want to visit Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch. I want to walk away with that hope ignited inside me, too.

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