I came across this list in my Facebook notes. I wrote it on February 15th, 2009. It's funny to look back at goals we set for ourselves and then kind of forget about, isn't it? I mean, I didn't forget the goals, but I forgot ever writing them out. It's also neat to see how many of them I've actually accomplished.
16 Goals
Within one year...
Be a proficient guitar player (Yes, this did happen. Since then, I've performed more than I ever dreamed I would, and in so many neat event and occasions... and I'll be performing again this weekend!)
Within five years... (That would be February, 2014. I've still got some time!)
Be at least semi-fluent in Spanish (Yep. Especially with this last Spanish class that I took.)
Have a part in leading someone to Jesus (Sort of. The boys include me as part of their conversion story, so I guess that counts.)
Know how to survive in the wilderness (I learned a lot about this in ID. I can't say that I could head out with a piece of string and a knife and survive, but my odds have definitely increased.)
Serve a term as a missionary (Sort of. My stint in ID counts, in my mind.)
See my dad accept Jesus (I didn't realize at the time that he does, actually, believe in God already. So this goal has become irrelevant.)
Within ten years... (February, 2019)
Visit 5 new states (Check. I accomplished this with my move up to ID and my cross country road trip.)
Own a python (Check. She's beautiful, too.)
Be completely debt-free with a savings account (Doesn't have to be much. It's just so much more secure...) (I'm almost there. Well, I just have to pay off my credit card, but I'm throwing everything I have at that one. Other than that, I owe no other debts, other than wanting to pay R back for all the medical bills I've incurred.)
Know basic natural healing methods (I know some now, but I could stand to learn more.)
Be able to eat wheat and soy (Okay, so maybe I am dreaming a little bit now... ^_^) (I've come to terms with the fact that this is never gonna happen.)
Own a new car (I wonder if Betsey will make it to ten years?)
Be married, Lord willing (Check.)
Sell an art work
Write a book
Save a life (I've already done this in my life, but I guess I'm ambitious and want to do it again.)
16 Goals
Within one year...
Be a proficient guitar player (Yes, this did happen. Since then, I've performed more than I ever dreamed I would, and in so many neat event and occasions... and I'll be performing again this weekend!)
Within five years... (That would be February, 2014. I've still got some time!)
Be at least semi-fluent in Spanish (Yep. Especially with this last Spanish class that I took.)
Have a part in leading someone to Jesus (Sort of. The boys include me as part of their conversion story, so I guess that counts.)
Know how to survive in the wilderness (I learned a lot about this in ID. I can't say that I could head out with a piece of string and a knife and survive, but my odds have definitely increased.)
Serve a term as a missionary (Sort of. My stint in ID counts, in my mind.)
See my dad accept Jesus (I didn't realize at the time that he does, actually, believe in God already. So this goal has become irrelevant.)
Within ten years... (February, 2019)
Visit 5 new states (Check. I accomplished this with my move up to ID and my cross country road trip.)
Own a python (Check. She's beautiful, too.)
Be completely debt-free with a savings account (Doesn't have to be much. It's just so much more secure...) (I'm almost there. Well, I just have to pay off my credit card, but I'm throwing everything I have at that one. Other than that, I owe no other debts, other than wanting to pay R back for all the medical bills I've incurred.)
Know basic natural healing methods (I know some now, but I could stand to learn more.)
Be able to eat wheat and soy (Okay, so maybe I am dreaming a little bit now... ^_^) (I've come to terms with the fact that this is never gonna happen.)
Own a new car (I wonder if Betsey will make it to ten years?)
Be married, Lord willing (Check.)
Sell an art work
Write a book
Save a life (I've already done this in my life, but I guess I'm ambitious and want to do it again.)
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