Depression? Naaaaah.

Just a little under the weather today. I should have expected it, but I didn't. I think Aunt Flo might be coming to pay me a visit soon, anyway.

H pointed out that I'm stressed. Why can't I see that for myself? Why do I need others to point out the obvious to me? In any event, she's right. So I can see why emotions are a little wacky right now.

I kinda feel like I've regressed a little... because I overate again today. A couple of times. To try and fill the jittery emptiness within.

I was antsy... restless. So I went to Goodwill and bought some necessary things that I had been planning on buying anyway. Then I went to the store to try and find some ice cream. No go. So I got Taro chips instead, and a green tea.

I've finally got most of my sermon put together. Oh, and I have the kid's story, too. That's what's really been getting my goat- I have the sermon, and I feel like I'm failing because I don't have it done yet. So it feels good to have most of it done. I want a short one this week- I'm thinking 15-20 minutes, because they'll have the school kids out there doing songs and stuff, too. So it'll be less of me preaching and more of me giving them something to chew on for the rest of the week (hopefully). I've entitled it, "The Broken Bride". I'll share more when I've actually got it done. Anything could change at this point.

So, setbacks and fatigue and doldrums and all, I think it was an okay day. I still know in my head that my emotions do not dictate my reality, and that's growth in and of itself.

I'm going to go take a bath now. Maybe that will wind me down enough to sleep. I'm still restless.

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