I like to plan things. Especially my future. As I'm endeavoring to live each day at a time, that can sometimes be a liability. Especially when I tend to live in the future instead of the present- eternally planning and scheming, trying to make things go "just right", and ignoring the beauty and joy of the day that is unfolding around me.

So, it would be easy to swing in the opposite direction and not plan anything... at all. Except that it goes completely against my grain, and I just can't do that.

So I've been praying a lot about the future- what comes after summer camp? People keep asking me, "What are you doing next year?"

I just smile and tell them, "God hasn't revealed that step yet."

And that's okay. I trust him. But I still need something to aim for, else I'm casting about, well... aimlessly.

I talked to Dr. S from Weimar College yesterday. What he shared for worship really intrigued me, and it turns out that Weimar has a one year Massage and Natural Remedies course (something that's always intrigued me).

As of late, I've been feeling the pressure of time. Having studied at least superficially the prophecies of the Bible concerning Jesus' second coming, it's becoming more and more apparent to me that the world is, to put it simply, unraveling.

Seriously. Jesus is coming back soon, and I don't feel that I have the time to spend doing 4 years of college. I need to be doing something now! I don't want to be caught unprepared when it all goes to pot right beforehand.

And recently, it's been coming to my attention again just how important agriculture is. I know I struggle with Ellen White, but I do believe that God was speaking through her, and she has a lot to say on the necessity of agricultural work. I've seen with my own two eyes how it opens doors.

So, the three lights as one that guide us in God's will? 1. God in his word. 2. God in circumstance. 3. God in our hearts, urging us forward.

Yesterday, in my devotions, this phrase popped out at me- "When I give you no special guidance, stay where you are."

Whoa, God... for serious? Could you be asking me to stay with the S's and learn gardening? I mean... the circumstances are right. The Bible speaks very favorably about agriculture and farming, and I know you have a lot of lessons to teach from that occupation. I want to in my heart... so... I guess that I'll just plan to go back home and live for a year, unless you show me different.

Huh. That was easy.

As Dr. S told me, "God can't change your plans if you don't have any."

Seriously, it's not like I'm making plans so that I can be like, "Okay, God, here are my plans. Approve them, k? 'Cause I'm gonna do this, no matter what."

No way! I want to do what God wants me to do!

Also, I found out that my debt from SOULS is less than I thought it was, so I'll actually have more money saved from this summer than I thought. I can live on that for a time. One thing's for sure- I'm not working for B anymore.

And as far as the year after goes... I think I'll go to Weimar and take their massage course. I've been massaging for years. I love it. And I've discovered that I looooove A&P from talking to my chiropractor.

Funny story: When I was a kid, I used to pretend that I was an apothecary. I know, some girls dream about being princesses or ballerinas, but I dreamt of being an herbalist. I had this little wooden cabinet and some teeny jelly jars that I had saved and washed out. I would take the herbs out of old tea bags, stock my little jars with "cures", label them, and keep them in my cabinet.

So, here are  some of the courses I'd be taking:
-Basic & Advanced Massage
-Health Evangelism
-Anatomy & Physiology
-Hydrotherapy & Natural Remedies

Oh, buddy... I'm excited, already!!

So, as usual, nothing's set in concrete, but next year I'll be hangin' out in Idaho again. Being away for only a week and a half has temporarily cured me of my impatience to do something else and desire for change. I MISS HOME! But, on the other hand... I'm really enjoying myself. I've been giving massages to the girls, and I feel like I'm doing something worthwhile. So I'm not just wasting time and goofing off- I'm being productive!

Oh, yeah, and next year... I'm taking piano lessons.
So, gardening, racquetball and monthly activities, piano lessons, farmer's market, and Daughters of Summer Hill. That's my year. Those are my boundaries. I'm sticking to it.

1 thoughts:

  • Jolene | April 14, 2011 at 8:59 PM

    Yaaaayyyy! :) We'll throw a party when you come home! ;)

    I like A&P too, but a whole year of it has made me feel like a doctor more than a wanna-be dental hygienist! It is fun, and the big words are pretty cool! Try saying (and spelling) Sphygmomanometer (medical name for a blood pressure cuff). Pretty cool huh?

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