So... I'm a pretty relational person. An introvert, sure, but I need a heavy dose of people before I withdraw into isolation.

And right now, that need is not being filled. Pretty much the only person I see during the week that I know is H, and she works crazy and/or long hours. (Then comes Sabbath... and I'm going to strange churches. Still don't know anyone.)

It reminds me of when I was living with C. Nothing to do all day. No purpose. Isolated. Cut off from my friends.

At least now I have a car... (no gas money at the moment, though... but I get paid on Thurs.)

That's probably why I was so disappointed when no one was there for CR. I was looking forward to some relational involvement... maybe some friends?

I have no friends here. My family hasn't had cell service all week. D's been on the ferry for the last couple of days. I'm talking to my Mom now more than ever! lol

But cell phone calls are a far cry from actually spending time with someone... it's not the same. It works, but it's not as fulfilling.

Oh, Lord... I have a whole month of this?

If I had known that this was part of the "job"... I would so have taken the camp in Idaho. No joke.

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